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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Flipping Houses for Profit

My true love is real estate. While I have enjoyed working in IT for many years, nothing gives me thrills quite like real estate. Finding the right investment property is like winning at poker or blackjack, and the adrenaline rush is just the same.

I have bought and sold both residential and commercial properties, and I am constantly looking for the next "diamond in the rough". Most people when looking at houses are evaluating them based on if they would live there. BIG MISTAKE! You want to find a house in a good location with good curb appeal and structural layout, but one that has been horribly neglected. Find this house, and you will make thousands (in any real estate market). However, you must buy it at the right price to do so...

In my next few posts, I will focus on how to find undervalued homes and turn them into personal wealth.

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